The Elders LOVE Comments!

Both of the Elders have asked me to send them the comments people leave on this blog after reading their e-mails and looking at their pictures... One problem... No one comments! Leave the Elders some comments each week after you read their e-mails and check out their pictures! They'll love hearing from ALL of you! Thanks!

Monday, September 13, 2010

From Elder A. Goff - "16 days left...For E. Hinton"

Elder Goff

Hey Family and everyone,

This week was great. We had a fun P-day last week. We went to a park with a couple of families that invited us and had a BBQ and played Volleyball and frisbee and threw a football around too. We had a good time.

We had Zone Conference this week. Which was amazing. They had it at Rock Creek Hallow for outdoor zone conference. Elder Hinton and I drove down to Lander Tuesday night and the Sutton's had us over for dinner. It was Sage's birthday, their youngest daughter who is now 13. So we had a good time eating over there and having cake too. Then that night we went out with Elder Searle and Houston again. Elder Houston and I went to Jay Parker's house. He went to church last Sunday which was really neat to hear. I didn't get a chance to go see him when we were down the week before for team ups. So it was nice to go see him and talk about some of the things going on in his life. I think he is truly wanting to know if the LDS church is something that is true and to know if he needs to make some choices concerning it. Which is incredible! That was really exciting.

Wednesday we woke up and met President Gardner at the church in Lander and had our interviews. Then we met up with all the other Elders and Sisters from Wyoming in a parking lot there in Lander and headed for Rock Creek for Zone Conference. We were all pretty excited for an outdoor Zone Conference. Mostly because we got to wear regular people clothes. :D We got to Rock Creek and the first part of Zone Conference President Lorimer who was Stake President at the time of the Second Rescue spoke to us about missionary work and a lot about the stories of the pioneers and what went on in Rock Creek. It was a neat experience. I have now been there 3 times and it only gets better each time I go. After President Lorimer left, Sister Gardner talked about the things around us and how like Alma said, Everything Denotes that there is a God, and refers to everything around us. Then President Gardner stood and said that he was going to give us an hour to go find a spot to sit and answer 4 questions. Somewhere where we could be seen by our companion, but somewhere we could just think. The 4 things were: 1. Dust for fingerprints, Look for God's hands all around. 2. Write down things I am doing well. 3. Write down things I can improve on. 4. Write down things I am grateful for. It was a great thing. I loved it. I spent time thinking about my mission and the chances I have had to stretch myself. The times I was scared and freaking out about how much I was about to be stretched. However, it made me thankful for those times. God is always stretching us. Thank Goodness he is. I wrote down things I thought I had done well at and also a thousand ways I can improve. haha It was a long list. :D I wrote down about my dear family. :D Like I would leave you goof balls off of my Grateful list right?! haha Love you :D I put a lot of people down from my mission as people I am grateful for. Jesus Christ. So many things. It was good to have that time to sit a think about those things. It was a grate Zone Conference and I got sunburned to the sun and back. I looked good! :S

At Zone Conference we made goals for finding new investigators. Our Zone set a goal of 25 a week. Which is a HUGE number, but that's what they wanted to do. So Elder Hinton and I went out and hit a bunch of doors and found 4 new investigators. It was AMAZING!!! I have never had success like that tracting on my mission. So, hopefully we can keep that up. I'm excited about the things that have been happening. We have people progressing and finding new people to teach and teaching less actives and having a ball doing it.

Elder Hinton only has 16 days left and he reminds me everyday how long he has. Which gets kind of old, but it's all good. He still will get out and work so it's ok with me. I won’t complain too much. He is excited to go home and see his family again. I can’t blame him. haha that will be a happy day. And he will get to hang out with girls...LUCKY. ;)

All is well up here. Surviving. Glad to hear Pop's is getting a lot of work. Joli got to play some soccer and show those Pahrump Trojans that the Goff girl is going to kick some butt. Glad to hear Tiff and Jason are moving into a new place. They seem pretty excited. :) Hope Mom is doing well. I haven't heard from her in sometime now. I hope she still loves me. :D

haha I love you all and hope you are doing Well. Hope Glen and Garrett are doing well. I was looking through my pictures the other day and found one of Garrett when he fell asleep on my chest and in the back ground is my chipotle burrito. YUM! haha

Love, Elder Austin Gene Goff

"Elder Goff and Rock Creek"

"Missionaries spreading out to find a spot"

"Elder Hinton and I"

"Hinton and Goff at the Remember Rock"

"Keep off Exhibits"



"The West's and I. (LANDER)"

Current Area: Worland, Wyoming
Current Companion: Elder Hinton

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